Investigating the Relation of Individualistic/Collectivistic Culture on Constructive thougt Patterns Strategies
Khademi, Mahshid | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46433 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Khademi, Mahshid
- Abstract:
- Self-leadership” is a process through which individuals control their performance and lead themselves by using specific behavioral and cognitive strategies (Manz, 1986; Manz and Neck, 2004). This concept includes a toolkit of behavioral activities borrowed from social cognitive theory and goal setting. It also includes constructive thought processes that have been extensively studied in sports psychology. Scholars have categorized the SL (self-leadership) strategies into three main categories; behavioral, natural reward and constructive thought Strategies. (Neck and Houghton, 2006) Given the growing importance of self-leadership in contemporary organizations operating in an increasingly global and interdependent environment, there is a need to explore the applicability of self-leadership theory across cultures (Neck & Houton, 2006; Alvez et al., 2006; Neubert & Wu, 2006).
However self-leadership itself stays a valid concept, its understanding and application is likely to differ across various context or cultures. This study tried to investigate the role of culture and mediator effects of self-construal and individual values in the applicability of the though self-leadership mechanism of two different group of Iranian and swiss Ph.D. students.
The result was the Iranian individuals tend to use beliefs and sleftalks related to their dependent self construal and social values while swiss group uses mechanism to emphasize their independent self and value - Keywords:
- Culture ; Self-Leadership ; Constructive Thought Patterns ; Individualistic/Collectivistic Culture
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