Investigating Asphaltene Biodegradability by Microorganism Considering Oil-Water Interface
Iraji, Shohre | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46375 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ayatollahi, Shahab; Taghikhani, Vahid
- Abstract:
- Asphaltine particle precipitation may lead to serious problems in petroleum industry; including wellbore transmissibility reduction. One of the proposed remedial methods is to make a use of the microorganisms which are able to consume the heavy hydrocarbon chains.
Hydrophobicity of a cell surface is one of the parameters which greatly affect the microorganism adhesion to water insoluble hydrocarbons, in which results a higher hydrocarbon biodegradation. Consequently as the hydrophobicity of a cell surface increases; the microorganism tendency to bond with the hydrocarbon molecule enhances. The presence of a surface active agent, as an instance a chemical surfactant, will affect the microorganism adhesion, cell surface properties and alters its hydrophobicity. Investigating the effect of these parameters on biodegradability of asphaltine may lead to a better understanding of the microorganism respond to an asphaltinic media.
In this project, different asphaltinic solutions with 2, 4 and 10 gram per liter concentrations were made using Ahwaz-Bangestan and Kuh-e-Mond oil samples. In order to estimate asphaltine biodegradability; the solutions were used as a carbon source for three different microorganisms for 10 days under a stable condition of 40 ℃ and 150 rpm. The tests were repeated with presence of a surface active agent for evaluating the effect of surfactant on microorganism adhesion and cell surface hydrophobicity. It is concluded that the amount of biodegraded asphaltene was directly proportional to the initial concentration of asphaltene in the solution and the presence of surfactant alters cells hydrophobicity and increases the efficiency of asphaltine biodegradability up to 49% - Keywords:
- Asphaltene ; Bacteria ; Hydrophobicity ; Surfactants ; Biodegradability ; Cellular Structure
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