Analytical Approach for Buckling Analysis of Generally Laminated Conical Shells under Axial Compression
Sharghi, Hesam | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46386 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, buckling of truncated conical shells made of composite laminates with general lamination sequence is investigated. The conical shell is considered under axial compression with simply supported or clamped boundary condition. First, Donnel type nonlinear equations and boundary conditions for doubly curved shells are obtained using Hamilton principle. Second, using adjacent equilibrium criterion, the nonlinear equations was linearized then with defining lame parameters and curvature radius, the linear equations of conical shell was extracted. The power series and Galerkin method was used to solve differential equations. The obtained results are in good agreement with available results in the literature for isotropic or cross ply conical shells. For angle ply lamination, Galerkin method was used to verify the obtained results. Effect of length to radius ratio, thickness, semi-vertex angle and lamination are investigated. It was noticed that with increasing length to radius ratio and semi-vertex angle, critical buckling load was decreased. The critical buckling load in clamped boundary conditions was higher than simply boundary condition. The contour of critical buckling load versus semi-vertex angle and lamination sequence was obtained and noticed that, with varying lamination angle from 0 to 90 degree, critical buckling load increased then decreased and again increased. The buckling modes of angle ply conical shell were acquired and noticed that shape modes were skew in longitudinal direction
- Keywords:
- Conical Shell ; Composite Laminate ; Generally Lamination ; Galerkin Method ; Buckling ; Power Series
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