
A Novel Management Information System (MIS) Framework to Achieve E-Working Paradigm Based on Cloud Computing Theory

Rahmani Lahoot, Asal | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 46556 (51)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Fatahi Valilai, Omid
  7. Abstract:
  8. E-Work is defined as collaborative, communication-enabled and computer-supported productive activities in distributed organizations consist of humans with robots and autonomous systems. From the levels of nano and micro systems and devices all the way to the level of global enterprise networks, productive work is reshaped by e-Work. The current literature emphasizes on the role of Knowledge management as an enabler of E-Working paradigm. The four main circles of knowledge in e-Work related are: ‘‘e-Work”, ‘‘Integration Coordination and Collaboration”, ‘‘Distributed Decision Support” and ‘‘Active Middleware”. It has been generally recognized that computer and communication science and technologies have revolutionized our ability to provide significantly better levels of quality and customization. Of most significant topics of computer technologies and sciences are Management Information Systems (MIS). Nowadays, MIS has emerged as a powerful computing and communication environment that has enabled new features of interactive and collaborative effectiveness. Particularly, collaborative e-Work is basically known to use the MIS to transforming our ability to improve e-Production and e-Services. Cloud Computing can be identified as a novel theory in the field of application of MIS for today’s distributed enterprises. The main thrust of Cloud computing is to provide on-demand computing services with high reliability, scalability and availability in a distributed environment. However, the formation and operation of collaboration networks face several difficulties. Most obvious one is of technological nature, and referring mainly to issues such as inter- and intra-enterprise integration or interoperability. Cloud computing is becoming an adoptable technology to address above issues. The term ‘cloud’ is derived from the idea of businesses and users being able to access applications from anywhere in the world on demand. In this thesis, the different concepts of a MIS framework to enable the E-Working paradigm will be discussed. The thesis has used the Cloud computing theory to fulfill the requirements of E-work paradigm in a novel MIS framework. The result is a Cloud based MIS system in which the enterprises can benefit from the E-Work paradigm. One of the most important parts of this thesis is the feasibility of performing E-Work paradigm based on Cloud computing theory, because of this the theory of Axiomatic Design will be proposed. The Axiomatic design theory has been used to develop new materials that the customer requires by mapping between these domains (Suh, 1990, 2001). To develop new materials based on the axiomatic design theory, customer needs, properties, microstructure, and processes, which constitute characteristic vectors in each domain are mapped from domain to domain. The sequence of mapping is from the customer domain (where the desired performance of the materials is specified) to the functional domain (where the properties of materials are defined), then to the physical domain (where the microstructure of the material is designed to satisfy the FRs), and finally to the process domain (where the processing variables of the process chosen to produce the desired microstructure are specified). The basic postulate of the axiomatic approach to design is that there are fundamental axioms that govern the design process. The first axiom is called the independence axiom show the feasibility of this study
  9. Keywords:
  10. Telecommuting ; Cloud Computing ; Management Information System (MIS) ; Axiomatic Design ; Independence Axium

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