On the contribution of circumferential resonance modes in acoustic radiation force experienced by cylindrical shells
Rajabi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2014.05.014
- Abstract:
- A body insonified by a constant (time-varying) intensity sound field is known to experience a steady (oscillatory) force that is called the steady-state (dynamic) acoustic radiation force. Using the classical resonance scattering theorem (RST) which suggests the scattered field as a superposition of a resonance field and a background (non-resonance) component, we show that the radiation force acting on a cylindrical shell may be synthesized as a composition of three components: background part, resonance part and their interaction. The background component reveals the pure geometrical reflection effects and illustrates a regular behavior with respect to frequency, while the others demonstrate a singular behavior near the resonance frequencies. The results illustrate that the resonance effects associated to partial waves can be isolated by the subtraction of the background component from the total (steady-state or dynamic) radiation force function (i.e., residue component). In the case of steady-state radiation force, the components are exerted on the body as static forces. For the case of oscillatory amplitude excitation, the components are exerted at the modulation frequency with frequency-dependant phase shifts. The results demonstrate the dominant contribution of the non-resonance component of dynamic radiation force at high frequencies with respect to the residue component, which offers the potential application of ultrasound stimulated vibro-acoustic spectroscopy technique in low frequency resonance spectroscopy purposes. Furthermore, the proposed formulation may be useful essentially due to its intrinsic value in physical acoustics. In addition, it may unveil the contribution of resonance modes in the dynamic radiation force experienced by the cylindrical objects and its underlying physics
- Keywords:
- Acoustic emissions ; Acoustic fields ; Acoustic radiators ; Acoustic spectroscopy ; Acoustic wave propagation ; Acoustic wave scattering ; Acoustic wave transmission ; Acoustic waves ; Acoustics ; Cylinders (shapes) ; Dynamics ; Phase shift ; Radiation ; Radiation effects ; Shells (structures) ; Ultrasonic applications ; Acoustic radiation force ; Dominant contributions ; Dynamic radiation forces ; Geometrical reflection ; Low-frequency resonance ; Modulation frequencies ; Radiation force function ; Steady state radiation ; Resonance
- Source: Journal of Sound and Vibration ; Vol. 333, issue. 22 , October , 2014 , p. 5746-5761
- URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022460X14004040