Simultaneous Modeling of Mode and Destination Choice for Shopping Trips
Fotoohi, Ali | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47118 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samimi, Amir
- Abstract:
- Mode and destination choice in shopping trips are highly correlated and separate modeling of these choices does not consider the interaction between them. As making decision about mode and destination in shopping trips is done simultaneously, in this study a multinomial logit structure is used to model mode choice and destination choice of shopping trips simultaneously. To solve the problem of inconsistent estimation of multinomial logit model duo to the large number of alternatives, importance random sampling method is used to create a choice set for each passenger. For the purpose of comparison, mode choice and destination choice are modeled both separately and simultaneously. The results show that the coefficients of similar variables in both models have the same signs but the values of these coefficients are different significantly. Also, simultaneous modeling improves the accuracy of prediction observed trip's mode choices and destination choices by 13.2% and 2.4% across traffic zones and regions, respectively
- Keywords:
- Mode Choice ; Discrete Choice Model ; Shopping Trips ; Destination Choice Model ; Simultaneous Modeling
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