Design and Construction of an Upper Extremity Wearable Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients
Kalantari, Omid | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 47124 (58)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Selk Ghafari, Ali
- Abstract:
- Exoskeleton is a wearable active device used to augment human power in upper or lower extremities. The integration of robotic devices and conventional physiotherapy is becoming more and more acceptable worldwide. The main scope of this thesis is to design and develop a prototype of a light, low-cost and wearable robotic exoskeleton to rehabilitate the upper extremity in stroke patients at home. For this purpose mechanism of a wearable exoskeleton will be proposed compatible with upper extremity degrees of freedoms with minimum number of actuators which is constructed inexpensively to eliminate the demand of expensive and professional therapists. The conceptual design of such a system should be offered studying the actuation mechanism and the safety issues of the proposed system. The novelty of this thesis goes to the elbow actuator and to minimize the number of actuators. In this thesis a rotary Series Elastic Actuator(SEA) is introduced, designed and developed for upper limb application used in the rehabilitation exoskeleton. This thesis includes the thorough study of previous studies, conceptual design of the proposed exoskeleton, named CASSER-Exoskeleton, providing the kinematics and dynamics of the CASSER-Exoskeleton, experimental development and test and finally it is implemented using a proper controller design with a micro-controller in the system
- Keywords:
- Series Elastic Actuator ; Construction ; Design ; Exoskeleton ; Stroke ; Rehabilitation
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