The Effect of a Critical Reflective Course on the Construction of Iranian EFL Learners’ Identity: A Case of an Online EFL Class
Latifi, Ashkan | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 47550 (31)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Languages and Linguistics Center
- Advisor(s): Rezaei, Saeed
- Abstract:
- The present study examines the effects of participation in a critical reflective online course upon the participants’ identity. The study drew upon both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The 38 participants of the study who were first degree students at Sharif University of Technology participated in ten online sessions in which ten prompts concerning intercultural issues were introduced. The data collected in the online course underwent inductive qualitative content analysis which resulted in the extraction of five themes. Following this, 18 participants were interviewed to throw more light on these findings. Qualitative and Quantitative content analyses of the data gathered through the interviews revealed eight finalised codes. Two administrations of a validated and localised questionnaire (Kathib & Rezaei, 2013a) to the participants at the beginning and end of the online course specified that their attitudes towards English and Persian language and culture had undergone no significant change. However, the quantitative content analysis of the first two and last two sessions by means of the chi-square test showed a significant change in their overall thought patterns regarding these two languages and cultures and indicated that their intercultural and interlingual awareness was raised. A further analysis of the abovementioned findings held that although the participants’ identity and attitudes had not undergone materialised changes, their intercultural and interlingual awareness was raised as it was aimed at by this study. Besides, their online identities proved to be a continuation of their offline identities not set off from nor identical to them but in an interrelationship
- Keywords:
- Entity ; Language Identity ; Culture ; English Language Teaching ; Critical Reflective Course
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