
Incorporating experts knowledge in RTU placement procedure using fuzzy sets theory-a practical approach

Dehghanian, P ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1109/INTLEC.2011.6099779
  3. Abstract:
  4. So far, the need for power systems to be control automated has been approached. Moreover, the advent of smart technological infrastructures calls for a more systematic and well-designed schemes for data acquisition process. Hence, Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) are going to be considered as a crucial part of smart grid puzzle in power distribution systems. This paper aims to present a novel practical approach to have the RTU placement dilemma unraveled in power distribution systems. Practically approaching in this paper, some pragmatic factors of major importance in this respect are introduced. A framework with which the utility's experts' knowledge could be efficiently exploited is presented and handled through a robust decision making (DM) method referred to as Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). To overcome the existing inaccuracies associated with the experts knowledge and to effectively deal with the existent uncertainties and imprecision in the conventional AHP approach, fuzzy sets theory is incorporated to reach the most reliable and optimal substations as the RTU placement candidates. The efforts are focused on the pragmatic aspects interrelated with the procedure. Being applied to a real distribution power system of Iran's power grid, the applicability and practicality of the proposed fuzzy AHP (FAHP) method is well approved
  5. Keywords:
  6. Analytical hierarchical process (AHP) ; Fuzzy analytical hierarchical process (FAHP) ; placement ; Remote terminal unit (RTU) ; Acquisition process ; AHP approach ; Fuzzy AHP ; Fuzzy sets theory ; Power distribution system ; Power grids ; Real distribution ; Robust decisions ; Smart grid ; Technological infrastructure ; Automation ; Electric load distribution ; Electric power distribution ; Fuzzy sets ; Hierarchical systems ; Lead acid batteries ; Power transmission ; Smart power grids
  7. Source: INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings), 9 October 2011 through 13 October 2011 ; October , 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 10 ; 02750473 (ISSN) ; 9781457712494 (ISBN)
  8. URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6099779