
The Effect of Morphology on the Photocatalytic Properties of Nanostructured Pure Tio2 Simultaneously Doped with Carbon and Nitrogen

Jafari, Saman | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 47997 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Maddah Hosseini, Hamid Reza; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Improvement of semiconductors photocatalytic activity by different means has always been one of the challenges for researchers. Semiconductors doping for band-gap engineering and changing morphology to increase specific surface area and photocatalytic reaction sites are amongst these efforts. In this research simultaneous effect of these two parameters for three morphologies containing nanoparticle, nanowire and micro dandelion, simultaneously doped with carbon and nitrogen has been investigated. Final purpose of this thesis is to decrease the band-gap energy close to soft UV photon energies to make surface photodynamic therapy possible. Nanoparticle morphology with size distribution between 15-35 nm, nanowires with diameters around 100-200nm and tens of microns long and micro Dandelions with diameters around 20-25 micrometers has been synthesized. At first, by changing hydrothermal synthesis parameters to improve doping from the band-gap prospective, the best way has been chosen. This synthesis has been done by adding 14ml of 32% Ammonia solution and 10ml 1-Butanol to 3g TiO2 Nano powder. It decreased the band-gap from 3.17eV for pure TiO2 to 3.05eV for N,C doped TiO2. After that, this synthesis applied to other morphologies. Results show that for micro dandelions which are rutile, this doping method does not change their photocatalytic activity and degradation of Methylene Blue after 2 hours under UVA light is 42%. For nanoparticles, not only it changes the band-gap but also it improves photocatalytic activity by 3 times. Nanowires on the other hand, even without doping show great photocatalytic properties and also comparing with the other two, they have a great methylene blue adsorption during dark stirring as the pure nanowire adsorbs 73% of Methylene Blue after 1 hour stirring at 10-5 Molar Methylene Blue solution
  9. Keywords:
  10. Photodynamic Therapy ; Photocatalytic Activity ; Hydrothermal Synthesis ; Morphology ; Titanium Dioxide ; Doping

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