Micro-modeling of Tehran 4-stroke Gasoline Motorcycle Fleet Emission and Investigating the Effects of Increasing Fueling System and Engine Technology Level
Hassani, Amin | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48002 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hosseini, Vahid
- Abstract:
- The city of Tehran is dealing with air pollution problems for years. Providing a solution for this problem requires information about different pollutants emission sources. In this subjects, emission factors and emission models are essential tools for decision makers. Among different mobile emission sources in Tehran, motorcycles are of high importance. In this project, for the first time in Iran, exhaust gas pollutants emission of 66 motorcycles with different ages and engine displacement volumes were measured according to Euro-3 standard certification procedure. Measurement results showed that none of the tested motorcycles passed the Euro-3 certification limit on CO emission. Calculations revealed that the CO emission factor of Tehran’s motorcycles fleet is 7 times higher than the certification limit. Using the emission measurement results, an average speed emission model, an instantaneous emission model based on vehicle specific power and a modal emission model based on driving modes were developed. Total emission emitted by motorcycles, passenger cars and taxies in morning peak traffic hour of Tehran were compared. It is revealed that motorcycles contribution to CO emission is more than their contribution in transportation, either in term of number or traveled kilometer. Furthermore, pollutants emission factors of 4 motorcycles equipped with fuel injection system and catalytic convertor were measured. Calculations showed that replacing Tehran’s today motorcycles fleet with motorcycles equipped with fuel injection and catalyst would reduce total CO and THC emission from motorcycles by 88% in morning peak trafic hour in Tehran. Also, total NOx emission from motorcycles would reduce by 46%
- Keywords:
- Driving Cycle ; Motorcycle ; Model Development ; Pollutants Dispersion ; Tehran ; Emission Factor
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