
Reduction of Electrical Conductivity of urbun Wastewater by Vermifilter

Shahnemati, Razieh | 2015

760 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48103 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hashemian, Jamaloddin
  7. Abstract:
  8. Deficiency of water leads to extensive researches on alternative water resources. recycling of wastewater for non-drinking purposes such as irrigation, industrial, green belts, forestry and streets and drainage channels washing is One of the existing methods. Therefore, sewage treatment with the purpose of reducing its electrical conductivity has been done in the current research using a real scale vermifilter. Hence, the effluent from a septic tank with a daily loading of 2 (m3/day) was pumped into the vermifilter during 45 days through a pumping system.Then, the effluent from the vermifilter by another pump entered on the surface of the substrate. The results showed that electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, nitrates and turbidity were decreased to value of 72, 84, 58 and 93, respectively. Moreover, PH of sewage was slightly increased. There is no odor while the wermifilter was working and treated sewage was odorless. Since this treatment method was used in a small residential area with a population of approximately 280 people, it can be concluded that the combination of septic tank and vermifilter is suitable for small non-industrial areas like residential estates. In conclusion, the quality of treated effluent using vermifilter is enough good that can be used for secondary uses such as irrigation of green belts
  9. Keywords:
  10. Waste Treatment ; Electrical Conductivity ; Irrigation ; Septic Tank ; Vermi Filter ; Urban Sewage ; Industrial Uses

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