
Simulation of Flow's Effect on Microfluid Through 3-Dimentional Scaffold in a Bioreactor

Seddiqi, Hadi | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48349 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Bastani, Dariush; Amoabediny, Ghassem
  7. Abstract:
  8. Tissue engineering aims to produce artificial tissues and organs to treat the damaged part, by implant in body of patients, is an important issue in research and development. In cases that tissue damage is sever or due to genetic defects or congenital disease, tissue in the body are not fully formed, tissue engineering can be used to regenerate, repair or replace organs or tissues. Cell culture on the scaffold and put it in the bioreactor is a critical step in the formation of tissues or organs. Among various bioreactors, perfusion bioreactor due to increase of convection in the structure of cell-scaffold is widely used. Enhancement of convection increases shear stress on the cells that is necessary for metabolism and growth of cells. The most important challenges in tissue engineering is a uniform distribution of cells with high cell density in scaffold to study the cell culture on scaffold needs information of flow in the bioreactor. Due to the complex and multi-phase microstructure in the process, development of models for above information is studied. In this project, effect of different flow rate on shear stress distribution on the cell cultured within 3D scaffold in perfusion bioreactor is studied using numerical methods. The results shown inlet flow rate causes uniform distribution of cells with high cell density within scaffold. Commercial software, COMSOL, is used for simulation and show the effects of hydrodynamic parameters such as flow rate on shear stress distribution and cell density within scaffold. Also, the relation between inlet flow rate and average shear stress on cells is modeled. The information in this study is provided a new perspectives on the process of cell culture based on scaffold in a perfusion bioreactor
  9. Keywords:
  10. Tissue Engineering ; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ; Mass Transfer ; Cell Growth ; Three Dimensional Scaffolds ; Fluid Transfer

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