
Simulation of Fluid Flow on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Abdollahzadeh, Mohammad Javad | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 48355 (58)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Moosavi, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. Today, with rapid developments and advances in science and technology, different ways have been studied to reduce energy consumption in various industries. Reducing the drag force and thus reducing the friction force is one of these methods which has many applications (e. g, in submarine construction industries). Creating some microgrooves in the microchannels is one of the most effective methods in order to reduce the friction force in microchannels that has recently been studied. In this method the air is trapped within the microgrooves and when the fluid (e. g, water) enters the channel passes over the trapped air within these microgrooves instead of touching the channel walls (solid surface). Since the friction between the liquid surface (water) and gas surface (air) is far less than the state that a liquid surface has with solid surface, the pressure drop is reduced. In the present study a two-phase flow (water - air) is simulated within a microchannel and also the effects of the various microgrooves on reducing the pressure drop in the microchannels have been investigated. Three different shapes for the geometry of the microgrooves have been discussed and the effects of parameters involved in the geometry such as depth and width of the microgrooves have been inspected and optimal conditons for the pressure drop reduction have been obtained
  9. Keywords:
  10. Microchannel ; Simulation ; Superhydrophobic Surfaces ; Fluid Flow

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