
Identification and Assessment of Nomadic Transportation and Analysis of its Supply and Demand for Mainly Herder Nomads - Case Study: Isfahan Qashqai Tribe

Mansouri, Mehran | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48686 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Vaziri, Manouchehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. Although villagers and nomads are an important part of Iran's population, the growth of cities has led to neglecting them and their needs including traveling and transportation needs. The aim of this study is to recognize and to study the transportation demands in a pastoral nomadic society. For this purpose, the theory of activity-based modeling was studied. Sequential modeling was chosen which considers the daily activities of each person as a result of five sequential decisions: a) choosing daily activity pattern; b) choosing primary tour time; c) choosing primary tour mode choice; d) choosing secondary tour time; and e) choosing secondary tour mode choice. In order to conduct a survey for collecting the pertinent information, three areas were selected in Semirom County in Isfahan Province, Iran, where Qashqai Tribes mostly spend their Sardsir. A questionnaire was designed to gather both yearly and daily activities of these nomadic people. The questioners were filled out by 39 households, consisting of 155 individuals. The collected data was compiled by Microsoft Excel software, forming a database. Next, the rudimentary analyses such as univariate, bivariate and cross-tab analyses were applied to the database. Using the database, yearly activity patterns, daily activity patterns, primary and secondary tour time, and primary and secondary tour mode choice were identified. For the purpose of modeling, firstly, the identified yearly activity patterns were analyzed and an appropriate model was built using the Nlogit program. Then the daily activities of the nomadic people were analyzed within the context of sequential and multinomial logit modeling and the resulted models were presented. Accordingly, a preliminary recognition of yearly activity and daily activity patterns of pastoral nomads were identified
  9. Keywords:
  10. Daily Activity Pattern ; Yearly Activity Pattern ; Nomads Travel Demand ; Activity-Based Demand Modeling ; Isfahan Qashqai Tribe

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