Adaptive control of regenerative chatter in turning process with tool wear effect
Haji Hajikolaei, K
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2009-12132
- Abstract:
- Chatter suppression is of great importance for achieving high precision and surface quality in machining processes. A single degree of freedom model of orthogonal turning process is used to set up the nonlinear delay differential equation of motion. Tool wear effect is considered as the contact force between the workpiece and tool flank surfaces. Uncertainties in parameters of dynamic model and machining conditions are included in the model. An adaptive control strategy is applied for chatter suppression in cutting process. The force provided by a piezoactuator is the control input of the system. Results of stability analysis and adaptive control for two distinct cases of sharp and worn tools are presented and compared
- Keywords:
- Regenerative chatter ; Adaptive control systems ; Control theory ; Cutting ; Equations of motion ; Machinery ; Nonlinear equations ; Speed control ; Turning ; Wear of materials ; Adaptive control ; Adaptive control strategy ; Chatter suppression ; Contact forces ; Control inputs ; Cutting process ; Flank surfaces ; High precision ; Machining conditions ; Machining process ; Nonlinear delay differential equation ; Orthogonal turning ; Piezo actuator ; Regenerative chatters ; Single degree of freedoms ; Stability analysis ; Surface qualities ; Tool wear ; Tool-wear effect ; Turning process ; Work pieces ; Process control
- Source: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings ; Volume 10, Issue PART B , 2010 , Pages 1023-1030 ; 9780791843833 (ISBN)
- URL: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=1642106