
Integrated Design of Produced Water Treatment System to Reduce the Environmental Impact in Oil Desalting Plant

Bagheri, Marzihe | 2016

718 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48805 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Roshandel, Ramin; Shayegan, Jalaleddin
  7. Abstract:
  8. This research examines the produced water conditions in Iran and different ways of dealing with it; it looks forward to provide effective treatment system in order to confront the economic and environmental problems associated with the current operations and facilitate the exploitation of oil resources. Produced water in Iran have poor quality and high salinity, so the number of disposal options or use of it is very limited and non-industrial uses become non-economic and uncertain option. Seventy percent of Iranian oil reservoirs in onshore areas and reduced salinity concentration is a big challenge in produced water management. The first step in this project is finding an efficient and cost-effective treatment system to achieve the appropriate conditions for wastewater injection to wells and zero liquid discharge conditions. Results indicate that the suitability of combining corrugated plate interceptor, hydrocyclone and Nutsehll filter for wastewater without hydrogen sulphide, at a cost of 0.509 $/m3 and use of floation system instead of hydrocyclone for the waste water containing hydrogen sulphide, is at a cost of 0.68 $/m3. considering increase in oil production and water produced with it, the issue of increasing pumping capacity regarding the use of advanced treatment technologies for desalinating and a decline in the volume of waste injection through it and restore, part of that is addressed. Results show that the cost of the desalination is % 20 less than the cost of the construction of new capacities to inject extra waste production. The use of solar equipment suppliers heating units of the technical and economic efficiency has adequate. The results show that Fresnel due to the simple structure, consistent with the need to use relatively low investment costs for the system unit and auxiliary converters used in desalination plants, led to a decline in annual 1.5 million cubic meters of natural gas annually. Economic estimates show that the return on investment of the project is little more than a year, 27 % of thermal energy required desalination unit crude oil will be provided by solar energy , and using solar distiller in addition to low product is not affordable and does not work For the purpose of reducing the volume of waste
  9. Keywords:
  10. Solar Energy ; Superstructure ; Producted Water ; Desalination ; Economic and Technical Study ; Desalter Effluent ; Crude Oil Desalination Unit

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