
Fabrication of Hybrid Graphene/Metal Electrodes for Biosensor Applications

Mohammadzadeh, Amirmahdi | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 48881 (56)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Simchi, Abdolreza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Electrochemical sensing of glucose has received paramount attention in recent years, particularly, the non-enzymatic glucose sensing is one of the trends in the whole biosensing world. In this research, synthesis and evaluation of a hybrid structure of vertical oriented nickel nanorod-reduced graphene oxide sheets as a non-enzymatic glucose sensor were performed. The 3D array of nickel nanorods was synthesized by electrodeposition of nickel sulfate electrolyte in track-etched polycarbonate template with 100 nm pore size and 6-10 μm thickness. The electrodeposition performed in various conditions, and the best result was achieved by application of potential of 3 V for 60 minutes. The shiny side of the template was sputtered by 30 nm of gold coating, to act as a cathode in an electrochemical cell, and a stainless steel electrode operated as an anode. After deposition, the template was dissolved by dichloromethane solvent in 1 hour. The SEM studies showed that the average length and diameter of a single nanorod is around 6-8 μm and 140-170 nm. The graphene oxide sheets were deposited on nickel nanorod array by the electrophoretic process, and partially-reduced via this electrochemical process. The electrophoretic process was performed by applied potential of 20 V in 2 minutes. In this step, the nanorod array acted as a cathode and a stainless steel electrode as an anode with 0.5 cm distance used between them.The performance of the sensor was assessed by cyclic voltammetric study and chronoamperometry experiments. In the end, we observed improvement in sensitivity by the value of 7121 μA mM-1 cm-2 and 0.5 μM limit of glucose detection (with a signal to noise ratio equals to 3) compared to the previous literature in this realm of science
  9. Keywords:
  10. Graphene ; Electrophoretic ; Glucose ; Sensors ; Nanorod ; Nickel ; Electrochemical Sensor ; Nonenzymatic Sensor ; Poly Carbonate Template

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