Investigating Ethical Consequences of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with Respect to Luciano Floridi’s Philosophy and Ethics of Information
Safdari Sharabiani, Abootaleb | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49004 (42)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Philosophy of Science
- Advisor(s): Taghvai, Mostafa
- Abstract:
- The main purpose of this dissertation is to give an ethical evaluation of one of the consequences of ICT. Since these technologies are present in every corner of our personal and social life, recognizing their ethical and social consequences are of vital importance. The present dissertation, which is set up in 3 chapters, is allocated for evaluating one of these consequences. In the first chapter which is the first step of our overall argument indeed, one of recent theories in Cognitive Psychology and memory studies, namely Working Memory will be introduced. In the second chapter, introducing another theory in Cognitive Psychology namely Cognitive Load Theory, the role of Working Memory in our cognitive faculties will be demonstrated. Furthermore the impact of ICT on Working Memory and cognitive faculties will be clarifies in this chapter too. In the Third chapter which could be considered as the last step of the overall argument, the ethics of information will be introduced and then using this conceptual framework the pre described position will be evaluated ethically. This chapter is mainly based on the works of contemporary information philosopher, Luciano Floridi
- Keywords:
- Information ; Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ; Working Memory ; Cognitive Faculty ; Information Ethics
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