Synthesis of Amphiphilic Nanoparticles with Different Alkyl Chains and their Application in Enhanced Oil Recovery
Rajabi, Vahid | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49065 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mohammadi, Ali Asghar
- Abstract:
- Important features of the nanoparticles properties are their high superficial area and being able to reform their surface. In this study, the repairable property used to reform surface of silica nanoparticles (Those are used more frequently than other nanoparticles). Repairing of surface are doing to use nanoparticles as a surface-active material in enhanced oil recovery. Silane compounds with different chain length are used to create hydrophobic nanoparticles and PEG compounds are used to create hydrophilic nanoparticles. Also amphiphilic nanoparticles are created with a combination of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. To investigate the usefulness of nanofluids are made up of the nanoparticles is doing some tests such as interface tension, the wettability of the surface, forming emulsions and doing EOR in micromodel. The results show that the amphiphilic nanoparticles have the best performance among the all nanoparticles And EOR is about 12 to 20 percent. Hydrophilic nanoparticles have better performance than hydrophobic nanoparticle. Their EOR is about 11 percent. Amphiphilic nanoparticles have good performance in the formation of stable nanofluid, water-oil emulsion formation, reducing the interface tension and surface wettability alteration. Thereby they increase EOR, But with increasing hydrophobic compound’s alkyl chain length in reforming surface should be used a smaller percentage of the hydrophobic compounds to create amphiphilic nanoparticles so their efficiency are not reduced. Hydrophilic nanoparticles have the highest efficiency in surface wettability alteration
- Keywords:
- Enhanced Oil Recovery ; Silica Nanoparticles ; Amphiphilic Nanoparticle ; Alkyl Chain
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