- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49203 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mohammadi, Aliasghar
- Abstract:
- The main purpose of this project is synthesis of the silica nano-sheets by means of microfluidic techniques. Continuous process, precise control of reaction condition, and higher production rate can be considered as main pros of silica nano-sheets synthesized by microfluidic platforms. General method can be explain as follow: first two oleic and aqueous phase are injected to the microfluidic system, then oleic phase breaks down in aqueous phase drop-wisely and by performing sol-gel reaction on the oil-water interface a silica crust is made on oil droplets. Eventually, oil droplets are left the system and broken down and silica nano-sheets are made. FESEM and microscopic images of synthesized silica nanosheet using flow focusing droplet-based microfluidic were investigated. In addition, UV-spectrophotometer was applied to determine the light absorbance of synthesized silica nanosheets. Additionally, we investigate effect of aqueous flow rates, concentration of TEOS, and molar concentration of HCl using UV spectrophotometer. At the beginning, increasing the aqueous flow rate, raises production rate of silica nanosheets and then increasing the aqueous flow rate, decreases production rate of silica nanosheets. Furthermore, as excepted, increasing TEOS concentration and molar concentration of HCl, reaction rate increases, and increases production rate of silica nanosheets. Moreover, the reaction inside the microfluidic device was modeled and model parameters was determined using experimental data. Afterwards, using Designexpert7.0 to design of experiment and to find optimal conditions for silica nanosheets synthesis. Optimum point have a light absorption (Abs) of 2.506. Hydrodynamics of droplet formation was simulated using COMSOL5.0
- Keywords:
- Modeling ; Nanosheet ; Design of Experiments Method(DOE) ; Silica ; Glass Microreactor ; Glass-Based Microfluidic ; Flow Localization
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