
Study the Interaction between Cytoskleton and Cell Membrane

Sepehr Dehghani Ghahnaviyeh | 2017

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 49245 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein; Salarieh, Hassasn
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this project the main aim is to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton and cell membrane. In order to model the membrane and cytoskeleton it is used a discrete model, which contains several beads. For modeling the interaction between the beads it is used different kinds of energies. It is used four potentials in a 2D model for modeling the interaction between the membrane beads and it is used SSLJ potential in order to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton and cell membrane. Furthermore, this potential is used to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton filaments. Due to this potential, the cytoskeleton filaments can cross each other in the 2D model. For modeling the cytoskeleton filaments in this project it is used a rigid model. This means, the cytoskeleton filaments in one rod are connected with rigid bonds. Therefore, rods are rigid and they contain several beads, in order to model the interaction between the rods, precisely. Afterwards, in this project it is used Brownian Dynamics for modeling the fluid effects. Finally, it is concluded that the presented model can be used as a simple model for simulating the cell motility on a substrate. Moreover, the relation between the inner structure and cell shape and its motion are studied, precisely. The relation between these three parameters, show that clusters can generate a big force and reduce the cell local curvature.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Cell Membrane ; Cytoskeleton ; Simulation ; Cell Modeling ; Brownian Dynamics

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