
Modeling, Control and Simulation of a Swarm of Robots with Shell Structure

Rezaei, Sina | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 49271 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Alasty, Aria
  7. Abstract:
  8. Swarm robotics has attracted a lot of researches in recent decades due to its ability to overcome complexities despite of simple hardware used in each member of swarm. Developing control algorithms which can address connection, consensus and average consensus, position control, formation and swarm movement, is one of the main problems in the study of multi-agent systems and swarm robotics. Even though such methods have been developed and used by researchers for a few years, theoretical and operational issues still exist in the use of robotic swarms. For example, in leader-follower method, presence of repellent coordinator agent results in disruption in movement of other agents. Also presented solutions for solving the problem of crossing a narrow pass are not optimized. Some of these solutions either require agents to maintain a specific formation or may result in choking or blockage at the entrance of passageway.The goal of this study is to present a model of a swarm of robots with an outer shell structure using artificial potential functions. In this model, some agents will be placed on the shell line and others will stay in the area surrounded by the shell agents. Considering the artificial potential functions defined in the swarm, novel characteristics for swarm are introduced and mathematically formulated in the robotic swarm, including pressure and virtual intertia. Given the definition of pressure in a swarm of robots, a new phenomenon called “agent leakage” is introduced and investigated in this thesis. It has also been shown that the shell layer will prevent congestion at the entrance of passageway. Using computer simulations, it is shown that agent leakage during crossing can be prevented by changing the value of virtual inertia. Moreover, two methods have been introduced for guiding the swarm movement using one repellant coordinator agent
  9. Keywords:
  10. Swarm Robot Formation ; Artificial Potential Field ; Swarm Control ; Shell Structures ; Multiagent System ; Swarm with Shell Structure

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