Numerical and Experimental Study of Produced Water from Moist Air by Cooling via the Thermoelectric
Ahmadi, Behzad | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49503 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shafii, Mohammad Behshad
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, as a result of population growth and groundwater resources pollution, many countries in the world are facing serious water crises. Several alternative solutions have been investigated to overcome this obstacle. Atmospheric water vapor processing (AWVP) is a new solution to generate freshwater from ambient moist air. The atmosphere surrounding the earth is potentially a valuable water resource which contains a large amount of freshwater. This paper addresses the effectiveness of thermoelectric coolers (TECs) for refrigeration to produce freshwater from ambient air. Consequently, both numerical and experimental analysis are then used as the basis of water production calculation. 18 thermoelectric coolers are used to cooling and condensing of moist air fed to experimental setup. The numerical analysis predicts that an average of 2.3L of freshwater is obtained over 24h of operation while the electric current of 1A is applied to the TEC modules. The experimental result for obtained water is 2L per day which is in a good agreement with numerical result. The effect of parameters on the amount of produced freshwater such as, moist of inlet air, temperature of inlet air and mass rate of inlet air is investigated. Moreover a comprehensive comparison is conducted between experimental and numerical result. The efficiency of experimental setup is somewhat low (about 0.52) due to the high power consumption of fans. In order to enhance the efficiency of setup, water is used for cooling the hot side of thermoelectric. The experimental results show that, the values of efficiency and produced water are 1.18 and 2.11 L (per day), respectively if water 22 ℃ is used as cooler. Moreover, the efficiency and produced water values increase up to 1.42 and 2.54 L (per day) while water 17 ℃ is used
- Keywords:
- Thermoelectric ; Dehumidification ; Fresh Water ; Fresh Water Production ; Psychrometry ; Humid Air
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