Synthesis of Composite Coating with HA Nanoparticles on Ti by AC Plasma Electrolyte Oxidation
Soleymani Naeini, Masih | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49743 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghorbani, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- In this project, a ceramic biocompatible coating was applied on Titanium which is included Hydroxyapatite by AC Plasma Electrolyte Oxidation method. First, coating was performed in 5 different solutions and various duration in 500mA/Cm2 as a current density. Then, by microscopic and macroscopic images and size of porosity and also thickness of coat, 3 solutions were chosen for adding nanoparticles: Solution 1 which includes NaH2PO4 and Ca(CH3COO)2 , Solution 3 which includes Ca(CH3COO)2 and Na-Beta G and Solution 4 which includes Ca(H2PO4)2, HMP, NA2(EDTA) and Ca(CH3COO)2 . Also the time 10 minutes was chose as a appropriate time. The average of the porosities size in solution 1 was about 0.65µm , in solution 3 was 0.64µm and in solution 4 was 0.28µm .After choosing the optimum parameters, coating was performed in solutions which were added HA nanoparticles with the concentration of 3 g/l . Microscopic images showed that nanoparticles in some solutions were incorporated into the porosities.XRD and FTIR tests were used and results showed that both nanoparticles were incorporated into the coat successfully. Also polarization test was used in SBF as a corrosion test in order to measure the current density and potential of the corrosion for samples. The results showed that current density of corrosion decreased from 874 nA/cm2 to less than 100 nA/cm2 in the lack of nanoparticles and it decreased to less than 20 nA/cm2 by presence of nanoparticles and also potential of corrosion inceased from -470 mV to -100 mV
- Keywords:
- Hydroxyapatite ; Biocompatibility ; Composite Coating ; Titanium ; Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation ; Hydroxyapatite Naoparticles
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