
Feasibility study of Accuracy Improvement of Parametrically Excited Rate Gyroscope Considering Linear Acceleration, Angular Acceleration and Quadrature Error Effects

Mohammadi, Zohreh | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 49914 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Salarieh, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Because of importance of knowing angular velocity in a lot of engineering problems, Rate gyroscopes is widely used in different engineering fields. Among all kinds of gyroscopes, proof mems MEMS gyroscopes are mostly used because of their low cost and light weight. Improvement of the accuracy of the MEMS gyroscopes and their based inertial navigation systems is intended in this thesis considering some undesirable conditions on the gyro and trying to solve the gyro’s equations in that conditions. Existing linear or angular acceleration on the structure that the gyro is installed on is one of these undesirable conditions; Quadrature error in the gyroscope is the other one. In this thesis, the equations of the gyroscope are solved considering these three factors, then the accuracy of the gyroscope is investigated in parametrically excited gyroscopes. These effects and the accuracy of the gyroscopes are investigated in harmonically excited gyroscopes, too. Before starting to investigate these effects on the gyroscopes, one parametric and one harmonic gyroscope are designed based on the fabrication facilities (for MEMS gyroscopes) in Iran. The fabrication process is explained in the thesis. Then, the effect of the mentioned factors is investigated on these two types of gyros. Finally, it can be seen that linear acceleration doesn’t reduce the accuracy of the gyroscope (the error of measuring the angular velocity) that much; but the angular acceleration and quadrature error can. The effect of parametric excitation on the reduction of thermomechanical noise effect on a MEMS resonator is explained in the rest of the thesis. Then, the robustness of the parametric and harmonic gyroscope is studied in the presence of thermomechanical noise
  9. Keywords:
  10. Gyroscope ; Parameter Estimation ; Parametric Excitation ; Acceleration ; Harmonic Stimulation

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