A new comprehensive framework for ranking accepted orders and supplierselection in make-to-order environments
Rabbani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1109/ICCIE.2009.5223805
- Abstract:
- This paper presents a new decision making framework for supplier selectionin a make-to-order-system (MTO) while establishing an information loop between"sale"and"purchasing" functions which play important rolesin successful satisfying of customers. The order entry stage outputs, includingaccepted orders' requirements and their priorities are reflected into thesupplier selection phase; and in return, the outputs of the supplier selectionmodel are fed back into the sale department to revise the orders attributesaccording to the system's supplying capabilities. A ranking procedure usingFuzzy data-envelopment-analysis (DEA) and multi attribute utility model (i.e.similarity to ideal solution TOPSIS) is applied to determine the relativeranking of accepted orders; in the next phase a goal programming supplierselection model focusing on three criteria of time, cost and quality is run todetermine the best ability of the system in supplying required components andmaterials of the accepted orders. © 2009 IEEE
- Keywords:
- Make-to-order system ; Order entry stage ; Supplier selection ; Goal programming ; Ideal solutions ; Make to order ; Make-to-order environment ; Multi-attribute utility ; Order entry ; Phase A ; Ranking procedures ; Industrial engineering ; Decision making
- Source: 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009, 6 July 2009 through 9 July 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 919-924 ; 9781424441365 (ISBN)
- URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5223805/?reload=true