
Dynamic Optimal Modeling of Water and Energy Networks in Household and Industrial Sectors

Shahsavani, Ali | 2017

444 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50250 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Avami, Akram; Boroushaki, Mehrdad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Both resources have shaped the development of societies during the course of history. The increase in population, the growthe of middle-class societies, climate changes, economic development, health and environmental concerns, all play roles in magnifying or reducing the growing stresses on the vital resources of water and energy. Projections for water availability and quality, food and enrgy availability, soil and air quality are alarming. These alarms point to a major conclusion:’business as usual’ is no longer viable. Indeed, they call for a fundamental shift in the manner in which we understand and manage resources: a shift away from traditional approaches toward more integrative, systems approaches. Water and energy interact with each other, causing them to interconnect. Energy Extraction, processing and production requires water and Pumping, treating and transporting water requires energy. The objective of the present project is to determine which technologies can reduce the consumption of both sources due to the interaction of these two sources, and the route of supply of these two sources is determined by the decrease in consumption. The present work, by presenting a model that takes into account the interaction of water and energy in the domestic sector, dynamically helps to select the optimal route for water and energy in Tehran. So, firstly, water, electricity and gas monthly demands in household sector are estimated using the recurrent artifitial neural network under three scenarios for 12 months. Results show that not only could the presented model successfully predict the increase (or decrease) in consumptions that are caused by manipulating of input variables, but also it could precisely anticipate the monthly fluctuations in demands. Then the supply model, including the supply chain for water, electricity and gas, has been developed to determine the interactions between the water and power supply systems. So that be seen, with an improvement in the amount of power consumption in the supply chain to 57%, Due to the change in technology applied, the amount of power consumed for water supply is reduced by 50% and water consumption is reduced by 4.5%
  9. Keywords:
  10. Water ; Energy ; Supply and Demand ; Dynamic Modeling ; Energy Network

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