An Experimental Evaluation of Environmental Effects on Fiber Composites-Construction Materials Interface
Yarigarravesh, Mahdireza | 2017
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: English
- Document No: 50280 (53)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mofid, Masood; Toufigh, Vahab
- Abstract:
- Most of the investigations during the two past decades focused on the effect of moisture and temperature on the bond at the interface of carbon or glass-fabrics and concrete, masonry or timber. Few investigations have studied the effect of chemical solutions, dry heat exposure and ultravilolent (UV) radiation on the bond at the interface of other types of fiber reinforced-polymers (FRPs) and masonry, timber and concrete in the short and long terms. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effect of five chemical solutions with pH of 2.5±0.1, 7±0.1, 7.25±0.1, 10±0.1 and 12.5±0.1 on the interfacial bond strength between seven types of FRPs (unidirectional, bidirectional and hybrids) and masonry, timber and concrete. A series of pull-out tests were performed on 2000 specimens throughout a short term (2, 4, 6, 8, 10,13 weeks) and a long term (1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) of exposure to evaluate the reduction in interfacial bond strength. A chamber was also used to simulate dry heat exposure and ultraviolent (UV) radiation after six months. Results indicated that acidic solution had the most effect on the masonry specimens bonded with unidirectional fabrics. Moreover, the effect of alkaline solutions (pH of 12.5 and 10) on the deterioration of bond between bidirectional fabrics and masonry was more considerable. Furthermore, acidic and sea water solutions, respectively, had the most and the least effect on the reduction of bonds at the interface between hybrid FRPs and timber. Finally, concrete specimens bonded with carbon fabrics were highly affected by acidic solution, while alkaline solution pH=10 had no effect on similar specimens
- Keywords:
- Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) ; Concrete ; Wood ; Masonry Buildings ; Moisture Impact ; Temperature Effect ; Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) ; Construction Materials ; Chemical Solution
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