Determination of Optimum Temperature Profile in Fermentation of B.Subtilis to Maximize Alpha-Amylase Activity
Abdollahi Mofrad, Younes | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50428 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Vosoughi, Manouchehr; Roostaazad, Reza
- Abstract:
- Alpha amylase enzyme is one of the most important enzymes used in a wide range of industries. The enzyme is used in industries such as detergents, food, pharmaceuticals, paper making and textile. Various national and international articles have been published on this enzyme that focused on specific targets. Despite the extensive studies carried out in this area inside the country, there is still no industrial production of alpha amylase and other enzymes in our country. In the view of the fundamental problem of the lack of industrialization of these studies, in addition to the lack of a riskier investor, it seems that there is a lack of industrial vision in these studies.In this study, the strain used to produce this enzyme was Bacillus subtilis PTCC-1023. A laboratory culture was selected as base and subsequently, experiments were carried out to remove and replace the materials in the culture medium. The aim of the experiments was to increase the production of alpha amylase, while replacing laboratory materials with natural and inexpensive materials. Finally, the optimized culture contained 47g/L soybean meal and 4g/L potato.In the following, the optimized medium was investigated for thermal shock. Reduction and increase temperature shock were applied at a time from cultivation. The results of this section indicated that an increase in the temperature of 6 °C at the instant t=43h until the end of cultivation (t=73h) can reduce the enzyme production by 35%. The temperature drop of 6 °C, which was aplied similar to that of the heat increase shock, reduced the enzyme production by 11%. The third shock, which was investigated by the system, was that the temperature of the culture was reduced for 6 °C between t=43h and t=53h. This shock also reduced the enzyme production by 12%
- Keywords:
- Bacillus Subtilis ; Fermenters ; Alpha-amylase Enzyme ; Thermal Shock ; Culture ; Culture Optimization
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