
The Hydrodynamic Study of Swimming Microorganisms and Numerical Simulation of Micro-swimmers Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Moghimi Kheirabadi, Iman | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50457 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Abasspour, Majid; Mahdigholi, Hamid
  7. Abstract:
  8. The design, optimization, and construction of systems that are capable of swimming in the low Reynolds conditions are urgently needed in the light of the recent human, medical, industrial and scientific needs. Therefore, it is necessary to inspire the movement of microorganisms to design and construct artificial micro swimmer as well as to achieve the best geometry for swimming. In order to achieve the optimum microstructure geometry, it is necessary to know the behavior and hydrodynamic interactions of the micro swimmer with the fluid and its outer channel. In this study, we numerically simulate the movement of a microorganism with a spiral tail in a circular channel using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Numerical simulations are performed using the COMSOL multi-physics and based on the finite element numerical method. In this numerical simulation, using the computational fluid dynamics, numerical solution of the Stokes equations in three directions of Cartesian coordinates has been investigated, and after validation with the laboratory work in this field (experimental and numerical work of Guto and et al.), the effect of geometric parameters such as channel radius , The tail length and tail wavelength on the forward speed and velocity in other directions (y, z), the wobbling rate, efficiency, and swimmer power are investigated. Therefore, the optimal shape is generally achieved for the most speed and forward performance for swimmers. The results show that when the micro swimmer tail length increases, its forward speed increases. The micro swimmer achieves maximum efficiency and speed, with a tail length of 8 times the length of the body and a wavelength of three times the length of the body. When the radius of the channel decreases, the wobbling rate and radius of the spiral path of micro swimmer decreases, and the swimmer's efficiency increases
  9. Keywords:
  10. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ; Numerical Simulation ; Geometric Parameters ; Fluid Flow ; Low Reynolds Number ; Helical Tail Microswimming

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