
Adsorption and Conversion of Heavy Oil Asphaltene on Composite Nanostructures

Torka Bidokhti, Mostafa | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50541 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ghotbi, Siros; Khodadadi, Abbasali
  7. Abstract:
  8. The aim of this project was to upgrade and reduce viscosity of heavy oils by adsorbing of asphaltene on Ni-Mo/CB and converting it into lighter and more valuable gas and liquid compounds. Asphaltene has been extracted from a heavy crude oil sample of Soroush oil field in Iran. After adsorption, Asphaltene conversion to lighter components (gas/liquid) was studied through hydrocracking process. To prepare the support of catalyst, Carbon Black, initially a thermal treatment step under the argon gas atmosphere followed by acid-washing process was performed. Afterward, the catalysts was prepared through dry impregnation method. In order to activate catalyst for hydrocracking, the catalysts has undergone a sulfidation process by using dimethyl disulfide. The catalysts were characterized by Solid FTIR, ICP, BET, XRD, SEM, TPR, NH3-TPD, and TPS. A heptol oil model (30wt% normal-heptane in toluene prepared at concentrations of 5000mg/l and 15000mg/l) with a support and two catalysts (10 and 16wt% active metal components) were used for asphaltene adsorption. The catalyst to asphaltene ratio was selected 1g/g. After asphaltene adsorption, catalytic hydrocracking reaction was analyzed at different conditions. Results of catalytic hydrocracking at 400℃ and 20bar hydrogen pressure indicate that the performance of sulfidized catalyst is better than that of oxidized catalyst, whose conversions are 51.6% and 30.95% respectively. By increasing the temperature to 430℃ at 20 bar, the catalyst with 10% sulfidized active metal components can convert 77.53% of asphaltene to 9.1% gas (C1-C4, CO and CO2) and 68.4% liquid (Naphtha, Diesel Oil, Light Gasoil and Residue). The conversion of adsorbed asphaltene on inactive carbon black after thermal treatment is only 25.27%
  9. Keywords:
  10. Heavy Oil ; Asphaltene ; Upgrading ; Adsorption ; Asphaltene Adsorption ; Catalytic Hydrocracking

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