
Experimental and Numerical Determination of Forming Limit Diagram of Two-layer Sheets Considering the Interface between Layers

Hosseini, Mohammad Reza | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50603 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Asempour, Ahmad
  7. Abstract:
  8. In recent years, two-layer sheets have been used in various industries. In this research, the formability of a two-layer sheet which is made of 1.35 mm steel and 0.45 mm copper sheets has been studied. The two-layer sheet used in this study was made by explosive welding method. In order to investigate the formability of the sheet, forming limit diagram was determined. First, Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) model was used. In order to determine forming limit diagram using this method, the two-layer sheet was equated with a single-layer sheet and MATLAB software was used. The two-layer sheet was also modeled in finite element software ABAQUS. In order to determine the forming limit diagram, Nakazima tests were simulated. The criteria used to determine the failure in sheets was GTN model. In addition to GTN model for layers, traction-separation law was used for determination of failure in the interface. For modeling the interface, cohesive elements were used. In order to determine the accuracy of each of methods, Nakazima experimental tests were performed. The results indicate that using cohesive elements causes forming limit diagram to be more precise. If the interface is not considered, the forming limit diagram is overestimated. Also, replacing the two-layer sheet by an equivalent single-layer one in M-K model does not lead to acceptable result
  9. Keywords:
  10. Forming Limit Diagram (FLD) ; Nakazima Test ; Traction-Separation Model ; Bilayers Sheet ; Forming Limit Diagram (FLD) ; Cohesive Elements

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