Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Nanoparticles Synthesis by Reactive Precipitation and Using a Spinning Disk Reactor
Bagheri Farahani, Hamed | 2018
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51067 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shahrokhi, Mohammad; Molaei Dehkordi, Asghar
- Abstract:
- In this research work, to enhance the performance of the conventional spinning disk reactors, a novel type of spinning disk reactor has been proposed and tested successfully through the synthesis of barium sulfate nanoparticles by means of the reactive precipitation. This reactor consists of two coaxial rotating disks placed horizontally in a cylindrical chamber. The experimental results clearly indicate the capability of the proposed reactor in the synthesis of nanoparticles with the smaller mean particle size and the narrower particle size distribution compared to those obtained in various process intensification devices such that barium sulfate nanoparticles with a mean particle size of 23.4 nm over the range of 10 to 45 nm and a standard deviation of 4.9 nm were synthesized. In addition, the reactive process was modeled and simulated applying appropriate approaches and sub-models using FLUENT 6.3.26. In this regard, the method of moment approach coupled with a micromixing model and quadrature method approximation were applied and all parts of the model except the hydrodynamic section were defined for the software by means of user defined functions. The simulation results concerning the mean particle size show good agreement with the experimental data with a smaller error than 18 nm that is quite less than 32%
- Keywords:
- Spinning Disk Reactor ; Micromixing ; Population Balance ; Nanoparticle Synthesis ; Turbulent Reactive Flow ; Modeling ; Reactive Precipitation Process ; Barium Sulfate Nanoparticles
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