Deep analysis of Growth’s Pattern of Technological Capabilities in Knowledge-based Companies: Case Studies in Four Different Sectors
Ghorbanian, Mohammad | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51100 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Souzanchi, Ebrahim
- Abstract:
- Technological capabilities as one of the growth’s aspects in developing countries have gained focus for research in last years. This study attempt to analyze the pattern of technological capabilities in four different sectors including Optic, Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology. In each sectors four Iranian companies as the case studies are selected. After deep interviews with key people in each company, required data is gathered. Data in each company is analyzed. The results of analysis for companies in one sector are gathered for analyzing each sector. In order to evaluate technological capabilities, the time required to improve, lead-lag relationship for gaining higher levels of capabilities and some other aspects are studied. Companies had different behavior in different sectors. This study has benefited from Figueiredo and Ariffin studies on how to monitor technological capabilities. Four capabilities including Project Management, Equipment Modification, Processes and Production organization and Product centered are studied for each sector. In the Optic sector, companies have more or less similar behavior in gaining technological capabilities and “Equipment Modification” has grown before “Processes and Production organization” and “Product Centered”. The highlight result in Pharmaceutical sector is high speed in the process of learning different technological capabilities. In Aerospace sector, companies have done very different from each other in gaining technological capabilities. Finally, in Biotechnology sector, we can see a pattern in companies which shows the reluctance in gaining technological capability in all studied companies
- Keywords:
- Biotechnology ; Knowledge Based Companies ; Patterns ; Technology ; Technological Capabilities ; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ; Optic Companies ; Aerospace Companies
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