
Understanding Work Force Absenteeism Structure in Contractor Companies in Iran

Hashemi, Amir Hossein | 2017

563 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 51310 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Alvanchi, Amin
  7. Abstract:
  8. Recent researches on productivity in different industries has showed that there is a significant lack of growth of productivity in construction industry among other industries. It means that in other industries by appling the solutions that have been concluded from researches in those industries, the productivity in those industries had a great growth through these years. There have been some researches on the construction industry problems and productivity growth obstacles and some remedies have been suggested. Construction industry despite other industries has great dependency on labor productivity, so with growth in labor productivity we can have great influence on construction projects productivity. One of the most important labor productivity problems is the desent peresenteeism of the human workforce, because of the large scale of the projects and the huge amount of labor that are working on these projects. Construction projects suffer from negative impacts of this phenomeno, specially large scale firms with grate amount of human workforce. These impacts can influence the projects directly and indirectly.there has not been any similar research in the country and these kinds of researches seem to be vital for the productivity growth in the construction industry. There have been some researches in this area but not in country, hence they have been diverted from the first place objectives of the studies that was growth of the productivity and they were drownd in the depth of the complexity of the issue and its varaity of different aspects. We have conducted a research with concentration of its effects on crews productivity and tried to build a foundation for later researches.After desingnig a field research and analysing the data that was collocted we were able to conclude some useful facts like the relation between the spirit of labors and spirit of working as a team can reduce the abcense rate or the management policies effect on abcense rate and the relation between crew size and the abcense rate
  9. Keywords:
  10. Labor Productivity ; Human Resources ; Labor Management ; Presenteeism ; Absenteeism Structure

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