- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51336 (04)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Rahvar, Sohrab; Javadi, Atefeh
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, the star formation history and evolution of IC 1613 dwarf galaxy and NGC 5128 giant elliptical galaxy has been studied. About IC 1613, our result shows that the star formation history of the galaxy is roughly constant in 5 Gyr ago and this support that the galaxy had been isolated at least in 5 Gyr ago. About NGC 5128, we can see that the star formation rate has suddenly increased in 700 Myr and 3.5 Gyr ago. This results in very good agreement with literature support that the galaxy has experienced some mergers with smaller gas rich galaxies
- Keywords:
- Star Formation Rate ; IC 1613 Galaxy ; NGC 5128 Galaxy ; Long Period Variable Stars ; Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)
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- ستاره زایی، آهنگ ستاره زایی، تاریخچه ستاره زایی
- تاریخچه ستاره زایی کهکشان کوتوله IC1613 با استفاده از متغیر های بلند دوره
- تاریخچه ستاره زایی درهاله کهکشان NGC5128 با استفاده از متغیر های بلند دوره
- کتابنامه