High-speed Flow Control Applying Local Heat Addition for Drag Reduction
Haghighi Tajvar, Peyman | 2019
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51669 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Javadi, Khodayar
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, aerodynamic and aero thermodynamic effects associated with local heat addition into an inviscid steady state high speed flow are studied, numerically. This local heat, can be generated by a C.W laser, has a cylindrical shape and a Gaussian distribution in space. The loctation of the heat source, focal point of the laser, is considered to be upstream of the shock wave generated by a squared obstacle. The free stream Mach is 6 and the angle of attack is zero. Also, the center of this focal point is located on the symmetry line of the square. This kind of heat addition into high speed flow leads to wave drag reduction. Various parameters can affect this kind of flow control. This thesis mainly focuses on the most important two parameters such as heat effective radius and the location of the heat center. The results revealed that the more reduction in effective heat radius and the also the more getting far wavy from the body the more reduction in wave drag. In the next step, while keeping the power of the heat source constant it is splitted into multiple ones, up to 7, which are horizontally spread at different locations. Results reveals that the more splitting the heat source the more reduction in wave drag. Furthermore, in a special case the heat source was considered as to be continues line, equal to infinite heat source splitting, no more wave drag reduction was obtained
- Keywords:
- Flow Control ; Wave Drag Reduction ; Effective Heating Radius ; Supersonic Flow ; Drag Reduction
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