
Measurement of Radionuclide Transport Parameters for Soil Samples Taken from Naein Radioactive Waste Disposal Site by Using Column Experiment and Determining the Concentration Profile through the Column

Poursharifi Ravari, Mohadese | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 51664 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Samadfaam, Mohammad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Radioactive wastes are generated at different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and other activities related to the handling of the radioactive substances. In order to protect human being and the environment from any harmful effects of ionizing radiation, it’s necessary to isolate radioactive waste by disposing them in near surface or deep geological formations (depending on the radioactive hazard). To ensure that the waste is properly isolated from the environment for required periods of time, the safety assessment of the disposal site is essential. Transport of radionuclides from the disposal site to the environment is the essential part at any safety assessment program. Therefore, determination of the transport parameters of radionuclide is of great importance in evaluating the safety of the final disposal site.In this project, the transport characteristics of cobalt ion in soil samples taken from Naein Radioactive Waste Disposal Site (located in center of Iran) was studied by a column experiment. The solution containing cobalt ions was passed through the column filled with soil sample taken from Naein Disposal Site (at constant concentrations of cobalt ion and constant flow rate). After a sufficient time (before reaching the breakthrough point), the flow of fluid was stopped and the soil column was cut into thin layers. The concentration profile of cobalt ion in soil column was determined by measuring the cobalt concentration in each thin layer of the column. Then, the cobalt transport parameters of the cobalt were determined by fitting the convection-dispersion equation to the measured concentration profile by using STANMOD software.The distribution coefficient of cobalt ion and the retardation factor were obtained as 36 lit / kg and 157, respectively (at initial cobalt concentration of 70ppm). Comparisons of these results are in good agreement with the results obtained by breakthrough curve method (28 lit / kg and 174 distribution coefficient of cobalt ion and the retardation factor, respectively)
  9. Keywords:
  10. Radioactive Waste ; Column Experiment ; Waste disposal ; Naein Disposal Site ; Cobalt Transport

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