
Modeling and Solving the Multi-Player Competitive Location Problem in a Continuous Facility Layout

Mahmood Tohidi, Shayan | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 51749 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Eshghi, Kourosh
  7. Abstract:
  8. As time has passed, the cost of maintaining expert human resources has been increasing worldwide; as a result, factories and stakeholder has sought ways to exploit the expertise of their human resources as much as possible so they can reduce their costs and, of course, raise their profits. To achieve this, managers decided to assign their human resources to tasks that demands their expertise and knowledge and therefore provides added value for their companies; nevertheless, this decision needs proper alternatives to do routine and predetermined jobs as substitutions for expert human resources.As the technology and the science has been growing day by day, the use of robots has been extremely prevalent in people’s personal lives and in industrial environments. Using robots not only reduces the cost of maintaining human resources in industries, but also increases the accuracy and speed of routine and tedious tasks; it also helps in decreasing human loss in dangerous jobs and tasks.In this research, it is assumed that a set of robots are used in assembling products. These robots are deployed on the edges of a regular polygon and are allowed to move around the origin of cartesian coordination system (which is the same point as the point symmetry of the regular polygon) and on the edges of the polygon and, ultimately, move perpendicular to any edge and toward the inner space of the polygon so as to reach an intended point.The aim of this problem is to find the best route of robots to move from the edges of the polygon toward the optimal location within the inner space of the polygon, such that the overall cost of moving robots reaches its minimum value. This problem is solved by means of mathematical modelling and exact algorithms and the results are both general and exact results are acquired
  9. Keywords:
  10. Continuous Location ; Routing ; Regular Polygon ; Robot ; Linear Programming ; Facility Layout

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