
Experimental Study on Spray Output from Small Scale Swirl Injector

Ghodrati, Hossein Ali | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52011 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Morad, Mohammad Reza; Kebriaee, Azadeh; Ramezani, Ali Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. An injector is one of the most important components of the two components chemical propulsion system used in satellite control. The design of an injector is a complicated and time-consuming process and is largely dependent on laboratory data. In this study, the spray characteristics obtained from a small scale swirl injector under different operating conditions have been experimentally measured in a laboratory environment, such as the injector discharge coefficient, spray cone angle, and the distribution of droplets in the field. To calculate the discharge coefficient, the flow rate of the injector has been measured for different operating pressures. The shooting method and image processing have been used to measure the spray cone angle and obtain the distribution of droplets in the field. In this method, pulsed light photography was used, and thus the injector was placed between the light system and the camera, in which the images of spray was taken at a very short time. The characteristics of injector obtained By image processing. The injector used in this study is a small-scale and specific injector that there is no experimental data and relationships for this scale of swirl injector. Therefore, the injector characteristics were extracted by empirical measurement. In this study, the injector was used at different pressures (Less than 14 bar) and at the cold flow conditions have been investigated. By comparing experimental results with past relationships, the most consistent relationship achieved and can be used in the injector design process
  9. Keywords:
  10. Injectors ; Swirl Injector ; Spray ; Optical Measuring Instrument ; Breakup Length ; Spray Angle ; Discharge Coefficient ; Sauter Mean Diameter

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