
Development of a Water and Energy Management Tool to Retrofit the Crude Oil Distillation Unit of a Refinery

Charkhestani, Saeed | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52164 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Avami, Akram
  7. Abstract:
  8. The aim of this research is retrofit of a crude oil distillation refinery unit in terms of water and energy. To do this, the refinery distillation unit is ategorized to different zones from the perspective of water and energy to determine the saving potentials. The energy network consists of the four sub-types includes exchangers and the water network consist of seven sub-sets including water and steam. In the next stage, the retrofit of the energy network and the process heat exchangers are done by using pinch analysis in the commercial software and discussed the economical possibility of pinch analysis for 20 heat exchangers in the crude oil preheating unit. Using the flow of flashed crude oil in the E-104 exchanger, using the recovered naphtha as cold flow in the E-132 exchanger and heating desalinated oil by vacuum bottom, three scenarios are analyzed. These scenarios obtaine total annual savings of 0.89 MM$. Then, the retrofit of air-cooled heat exchanger networks are done by utilizing VFD which result in total annual savings of 0.21 MM$. In the next phase, the heat recovery from furnaces are considered in three scenarios (the air preheating recuperator, the waste heat boiler and the feed preheating heat exchanger). These scenarios are examined for 4 existing furnaces in the unit. The replacement of the third steam ejector with liquid ring vacuum pump are also investigated to obtain a hybrid system of ejector/pump. Finally, the retrofit of the water network are introduced in three scenarios to recover the sour water for the desalter unit. The best choice is sour water recovery from atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit to the desalter unit with saving of 2875 kg/hr steam
  9. Keywords:
  10. Retrofit ; Oil Refinery ; Water Management ; Energy Management ; Optimization Scenarios ; Energy Management Scenario

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