
Coating of Sewage Pipes with Appropriate Nanomaterials Aimed at Preventing Biological Growth (Algae+Biofilm)

Nezameddin, Mahsa Sadat | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52244 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Borghei, Mehdi; Ghasemi, Shahnaz
  7. Abstract:
  8. Biological layers are one of the main problems related to water transfer with pipe lines which are formed through time in the inner surface of the pipes by the water nutrients. Hence, the inner surfaces in the pipe lines and water refineries should be made in order not to let these biological layers to be made. The reason is that when the biofilm is formed on these surfaces, the traversing water is polluted. Dredging of these pipes is not only necessary in most of the countries in the world and needs huge amounts of water but is also very complex and expensive.In this research, nanomaterials, namely ZnO, T〖iO〗_2،S〖iO〗_2 have been used to cover the surface of concrete and steel pipes (The most common pipes in water distribution systems) with spraying and ultrasonic spray pyrolysis methods. Furthermore, these nanomaterials were assessed in combination with Methyltrimethoxysilane which creates hydrophobicity and also with Acrylic-Styrene which is highly adhesive. The biomass measurement was utilized for comparing the amount of formed biofilm. Acrylic-Styrene with TiO_2 on the steel surface with the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method was able to decrease the growth of micro organisms by 97 percent of the cases compared to the surface with no covers. On the other hand, the cover with SiO_2 not only could not decrease the growth of micro organisms, but also increased them by 46 percent
  9. Keywords:
  10. Water ; Water Treatment ; Water Transfer ; Dredging ; Biological Growth ; Nanomaterials

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