On the Effects of Background Electromagnetic elds and Chiral Chemical Potential on the Phase Diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics
Jamshidi, Abdollah | 2019
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 52402 (04)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Physics
- Advisor(s): Sadooghi, Neda
- Abstract:
- In particle physics, spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking generates new phases of quark matter, and leads to significant changes od quark masses. The Nambu-Jona–Lasinio (NJL) model is a useful fermionic model which describes the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking through the creation of a condensate. This model can be for instance used to determine various phases of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in finite electromagnetic fields. This work consists of several parts. First, we describe the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in detail. Second, we extract the NJL model from the Lagrangian density of QCD. Third, we derive a covariant form of the partition function of a fermionic system. Fourth, we derive the partition function of fermionic systems in the presence of electromagnetic field which respects the Lorentz symmetry in relativistic thermodynamics. Besides, using Euler-Heisenberg potential and Matsubara frequencies, we derive the partition function of fermionic systems in the presence of a background electromagnetic field. Fifth, by making used of the NJL model, and the covariant partition function of fermionic systems in the presence of background electromagnetic field, we analyze the behavior of the chiral condensate and the phase diagram of QCD in the presence of magnetic and electric fields. We have shown that the electric field has a decreasing effect on the chiral condensate. Introducing the chiral chemical potential, we study the effect of the imbalance in the handedness of particle on the phase diagram of QCD, the type of phase transition and the effect of chiral chemical potential on the dynamical mass of quarks
- Keywords:
- Spontaneous Gauge Symmetry Breaking ; Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)Phase Transition ; Background Field Method ; Chiral Symmetry ; Electromagnetic Fields ; Chiral Chemical Potential ; Covariant Partition Function ; Relativistic Thermodynamics
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- بخش اول: مقدمه نظری
- بخش دوم: معرفی مدل و روشها
- بخش سوم: نتایج