
The first in situ synthesis of 1,3-dioxan-5-one derivatives and their direct use in Claisen-Schmidt reactions: Synthesis of dioxanones and their Claisen-Schmidt reactions

Javad Poursharifi, M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1515/hc-2019-0013
  3. Publisher: De Gruyter , 2019
  4. Abstract:
  5. A method is developed for in situ generation of 1,3-dioxan-5-one derivatives 2. These compounds are simple precursors for accessing carbohydrate structures and previously had to be produced via stepwise procedures using excessive amounts of reagents. In the present work, three different derivatives of 2 were synthesized via the reaction of trialkoxyalkanes with dihydroxyacetone dimer 1 in the presence of acetic acid as the catalyst. In the same pot, derivatives of 2 were reacted with aromatic aldehydes and 30 mol% of pyrrolidine to obtain high yields of the respective bischalcones 3 within short time periods. © 2019 M. Javad Poursharifi et al., published by De Gruyter 2019
  6. Keywords:
  7. 1,3-dioxan-5-one ; Claisen-Schmidt reaction ; Dihydroxyacetone ; One-pot reactions ; Trioses
  8. Source: Heterocyclic Communications ; Volume 25, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 85-90 ; 07930283 (ISSN)
  9. URL: https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/hc/25/1/article-p85.xml