Modification of Crop Pattern Considering Climate Change and Efficient Use of Water Resources
Heidari, Bita | 2020
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 53504 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Moghim, Sanaz
- Abstract:
- In recent decades, the earth is affected by climate change and the seasons has been warmer than the last. Furthermore, the efficiency of agricultural irrigation is low, and it leads to surface water drought and decrease in groundwater level. The Middle East is known for its warm desert climate. Lack of water resources is considered the most limiting factor for sustainable agriculture and water management of irrigation is a crucial issue for agriculture in Middle East. So it’s necessary to devote the cropping pattern considering above changes. The FAO56 Penman-Monteith equation is the standardized ETo equation. A comparison was made between 8 selected methods and FAO56-PM. Thus the method proposed by Priestley-Taylor was selected as the best alternative of FAO56-PM. The sorghum, European corn, sugar cane, flax, wine grapes, barley, potato, wheat, maize, oats, beans, peas, sugarbeet, tomato and lentils was selected to estimate the daily crops water need. The daily water need of each crop is affected by crop type, soil type, climate type and the number of growing days. The most suitable crop for each area have been selected with the aim of optimizing the irrigation by choosing the best planting date for each crop based on climatic conditions of that area, and maximizing the supply of crop waterneed by affective rainfall. The scenarios of RCP8.5 and RCP2.6 and the model of HadGEM2-ES was selected to use. The first six crops have similar ranking in all region of Middle East. Among other crops, beans and maize were selected as the best crop in lower latitudes, and oats was selected in higher latitudes. The highest amount of irrigation waterneed decreasing will occure in Iran and the highest amount of irrigation water need increasing will occure in south of Turkey. The best planting date in the selected region in Iran and Saudi Arabia, has been transferred to mid-spring since mid-summer. It leads to reducing irrigation water need in Saudi Arabia, but increasing that in Iran
- Keywords:
- Environmental Water Requirement ; Water Resources Management ; Climate Change ; Agriculture ; General Circulation Model (GCM) ; Cropping Pattern Adjustment ; Crop Planning
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