Persian Compound Verb Database with the Verbal Element: “Shodan”

Hashemnejad, Zeinab | 2020

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53515 (31)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Languages and Linguistics Center
  6. Advisor(s): Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh; Shojaie, Razieh
  7. Abstract:
  8. Compound verbs (CVs) and its components, have been widely discussed in previous linguistics' researches as one of the most important and fundamental constructions of Persian language. Nevertheless most of the arguments and assumptions in those researches align with each other and studying CVs from another aspect with a different viewpoint has not been considered very much in order to solve nodes and issues in this area. We have endeavored in this thesis to review and criticize the portrayed definitions of the CVs, reconsider this construction and the syntactical and semantical roles of verbal and non-verbal elements in this combination from another point of view, and revise the previous theories with new ideas leading final product, semantic based database for CVs particularly (named as Nebig). Also because the "Nebig" database begins with CVs with "ʃodæn", this research looks through the verb "ʃodæn" specifically in all its usages and as the verbal element of the CV. practical results of this thesis are Demonstration of 17 semantical and syntactical features for CVs, creating the database on MySQL environment and insertion of 50 CVs with "ʃodæn". as the theoretical results of this research we can mention Proving argument against the theory of considering the verbal element as the "light verb", classifying CVs into metaphorical and non-metaphorical, and proving the copular construction for many constructions that have been previously assumed to be CVs with " ʃodæn"
  9. Keywords:
  10. Phrasal Verbs ; Database ; Persian Verbs ; Syntax Analysis ; Semantic Analysis ; Light Verb

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