
Gender Earnings Gap Among Tapsi Ride-share Drivers

Ziaee, Sina | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53377 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Madanizadeh, Ali; Joshaghani, Hossein
  7. Abstract:
  8. Some have argued that two-way markets, such as the online rideshar-ing platforms, which divide their services into different segments and provides each of these segments to the independent workforce based on an articulate and transparent income criterion, are more attrac-tive to women, which in turn, can reduce income disparities. This is due to the flexibility in working hours as well as the transparency of the labor payment process. In this study, using micro-data related to the trips of male and female drivers of Tap30, we find out that there is a 2.2 % gender earning gap between drivers. Furthermore, the fac-tors affecting the possible income difference are identified. On the one hand, we examine the influence of market supply factors, such as drivers’ experience, working hours, driving speed, where and when drivers work, and their strategic behavior concerning accepting or re-jecting a ride. It is demonstrated that although “learning by doing” has a more significant impact on the performance of female drivers compared to that of their male counterparts, the different preferences of men and women over time and their workplace, the strategic be-havior in rejecting dispatches, the distance of rides they choose to travel, and finally, preference for driving speed culminate in the male drivers having more hourly earnings. On the other hand, we show that on the demand side, passenger preferences for drivers can explain part of the gender income gap between male and female drivers. We also examine whether the cancellation of travel by passengers is due to customers’ discrimination against drivers or is explained by other factors. Our results show that discrimination has no role in affecting the decision of customers. In comparison, the lower speed of female drivers, which is an indicator of their productivity, is what explains the higher cancellation rate of rides with female drivers
  9. Keywords:
  10. Gender Discrimination ; Internet Taxi ; Tap 30 ; Two-sided Market ; Gerder Wage Gap ; Different Preferences ; Working Hours Flexibility

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