
Designing a New System for Proposing a Suitable Computer System for Customers Using Cloud Computing and Service Composition

Mousavi, Danial | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53748 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hushmand, Mahmood
  7. Abstract:
  8. Cloud computing has brought about many changes in the new business arena. These changes do not only include technological changes, but have penetrated the business models of many companies. For example, in recent years, many companies have migrated from their former systems to cloud computing for reasons such as easy and low-cost access to high-performance hardware and software systems, and to avoid maintenance and repair costs and security costs.Due to the economic conditions in recent years and the high cost of electronic items, the criterion of purchase price has become much more important than in the past among people when buying such goods. Now in the Iranian electronics market, economic efficiency has become the most important criterion for many buyers. Many people are now less inclined to pay for the brand of goods and are just looking for Convenient and affordable performance from their purchase.One way to avoid paying extra costs is to order different parts of a computer case separately and assemble them separately. This does not require payment for the brand of reputable companies and therefore the purchase price is greatly reduced. But this is not possible for many customers for reasons such as technical issues and lack of information from electronic devices.The main purpose of this dissertation is to design a site in which simple and understandable information such as financial budget and type of user is taken from customers and entered into a model where the final output of this model offers one or more of the best possible computer cases according to the limitations set to the customer.One of the limitations of this model is checking the availability of parts, so we plan to leave the task to the site to contact several suppliers so that if these parts are in stock, their data, including their price, must be entered into the model so that our final answer is a feasible answer. Finally, if the customer places an order, the site orders the required parts from its suppliers to be assembled and sent to the end customer. It is assumed that the assembly site is the site office.One of the main challenges of this research is estimating the allocation of resources (in this case, the customer's financial budget) to different parts so that the final result will bring the most desirability to the customer. Obviously, by allocating a larger portion of a budget to a specific component, the capability of the computer under consideration in specific areas can be increased. But that means other capabilities are weaker compared to others. For example, allocating more resources to a computer's physical memory will allow the computer to store more information but may reduce its computing power (due to weaknesses in other components). We need to make sure that the objective function used in our model can be aligned with our client's preferences.The goal is that after the customer selects the expected usage of the computer on our site, to solve his model the site tries to propose a goal function whose coefficients and weights are in the best possible alignment with the customer's desire. For this purpose, we have written a model considering all the conditions mentioned in Gams software and have extracted the outputs based on data smaller than the actual size (for reducing the time needed for the solvation of the model) and based on some input information, which we analyze.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Service Composition ; Suppliers Evaluation ; Cloud Computing ; Service Quality ; Linear Mathematical Programming

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