
Design and Optimization of Photocatalytic Reactors to Remove Contaminants in the Textile Industry by Advanced Oxidation Method (Emphasizing a Kind of Cationic Azo Color)

Zendehdel, Reza | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53886 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farhadi, Fathollah; Borghei, Mehdi; Ghasemi, Shahnaz
  7. Abstract:
  8. With decreasing fresh water availability and growing demand for clean water, alternative water sources are used in many parts of the world. At the same time, the increasing environmental pollution with a variety of manmade chemicals with known or unknown effects on the aquatic wildlife and human health is an uncontested reality. These emerging pollutants include pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides and hormones. Due to the high sensitivity of color pollutants and many concerns about this issue, in this study, by designing and optimizing a falling film reactor, the removal of Basic red 46 dye from water by advanced oxidation method is investigated. The photocatalytic nanoparticles used are TiO2, which is doped with iron ion (Fe3+) to increase the removal and degradation performance. Characterization of nanoparticles deposited on the reactor surface was performed using XRD, FESEM and UV-Vis DRS instrumental analyzes. XRD analysis showed that the crystal structure was significantly dependent on the concentration of iron, and with increasing iron concentration, the intensity of X-ray diffraction decreased and the peaks became wider. Decreasing the intensity of the peaks and increasing the width of the peaks indicate the effect of iron on reducing the particle size. SEM analysis showed that the nanoparticles were well deposited on the substrate. The structure of the particles is spherical and the particle size is not uniform. The DRS analysis showed that since the iron ions were only adsorbed and did not enter the titanium oxide crystal lattice, they did not cause energy gap changes; So the excitation wavelength is not shifted. However, the addition of iron ions to the coating solution has increased the absorption of light to the photocatalyst surface. The volume of wastewater in all experiments was 800 ml and the light source used was ultraviolet; the experimental time was 4 hours and during this time the temperature was kept constant by cooling water. concentrations of 5 ppm, flow rate of 2.5 lit / min and normal pH were selected as optimal conditions; aeration increased the reaction rate; under these conditions, 88.6 per cent of organic pollutants were removed. using a visible lamp removes 41.1 per cent of the contaminant in 4 hours. using of ultraviolet lamp without the presence of nanoparticles caused 32.1 per cent to be removed. finally, the analysis of the experimental results showed that the contaminant removal reaction follows the Langmuir-Hinslowwood kinetic model with very high accuracy
  9. Keywords:
  10. Doping ; Photocatalyst ; Advanced Oxidation Process ; Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetic Model ; Falling Film ; Falling Film Reactors ; Dye Pollutants ; Emerging Pollutants ; Textile Effluent

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